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kumpulan informasi seminar 2010

1. Seminar Riset Teknologi Informasi (SRITI 2010)

Perkiraan waktu : Bulan Agustus 2010

Tempat : STIMIK AKAKOM, Jogjakarta

2. Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi (KNSI 2010)

Waktu dan tempat belum terdefinisi.

3. DISC 2010

Waktu : Masih dalam konfirmasi

Tempat : Universitas Maranatha, Bandung (masih tentative)

4. Seminar Nasional Matematika 2010

Seminar Nasional Matematika tahun 2010 diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Matematika FMIPA UI, bekerja sama dengan Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNPAD, yang berlokasi di Departemen Matematika FMIPA UI, Kampus UI Depok.

  • Tanggal Penting:

2 Januari 2010 : Batas akhir penyerahan abstrak dan pendaftaran tahap I

16 Januari 2010 : Batas akhir penyerahan abstrak dan pendaftaran tahap II

23 Januari 2010 : Pengumuman abstrak yang diterima

30 Januari 2010 : Batas akhir penyerahan makalah untuk prosiding dan penyelesaian administrasi

6 Februari 2010 : Seminar Nasional Matematika 2010

6 Maret 2010 : Pengumuman makalah yang diterima untuk prosiding

20 Maret 2010 : Batas akhir revisi makalah yang diterima untuk prosiding

Waktu Pelaksanaan:

Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 6 Feburari 2010

Tempat : Gedung B101, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424

5. CIAM 2010 Call for Paper

Waktu : Belum terdefinisi

Tempat: FMIPA-ITB, Bandung

6. Call for Paper TELKOMNIKA (Telekomunikasi, Komputasi, Elektronika dan Kendali)

Waktu : April 2010

Tempat : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

(Paper in English atau dalam bahasa Indonesia)

Redaksi Jurnal Ilmiah TELKOMNIKA (Telekomunikasi, Komputasi, Elektronika dan Kendali) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan mengundang Bpk/Ibu/Sdr untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian di bidang Teknik Elektro, terutama yang terkait bidang: Telekomunikasi, Komputasi, Elektronika dan Kendali untuk publikasi Vol. 8 No. 1, April 2010. Setiap paper yang masuk akan di-review oleh 2 Mitra Bestari (Reviewer) dengan menggunakan form penilaian yang telah ditentukan.

Fullpaper yang telah ditulis sesuai format yang ditentukan kami terima paling lambat 1 Februari 2010 (namun demikian jika kuota paper yang diterima dan memenuhi persyaratan untuk dipublikasikan telah terpenuhi, pendaftaran otomatis ditutup dan pengirim akan ditawari untuk publikasi pada edisi berikutnya (Vol 8 No 2 Agustus 2010).

Naskah dapat dikirimkan ke email:


7. The 1st International Conference on Green Computing (ICGC 2010)

(— in conjunction with – The 2nd AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on ICT (RC-ICT 2010))

Theme: Green Computing for Better ICT Utilization Towards Sustainable Development

Conference website: http://icgc-rcict-2010.te.ugm.ac.id


In supporting sustainable development, the field of information and communication technology (ICT) has coined the term “green ICT” or “green computing”, which describes the study and practice to use computing resources efficiently. Green computing covers a broad span of interrelated issues, from technology and engineering to economic and social aspects, as well as a broad spectrum of application domains, for example, in education, government and public services, health, and environment protection.

As a contemporary issue, green computing becomes an important concern for big industries, small companies, and even government institutions since their success criteria are no longer based on a single measure. Unfortunately, it has not been widely understood, yet practiced effectively. Not many technological options have been explored, and green computing is still mainly viewed from technological and engineering perspectives only. The challenges are thus twofolds: exploring technology solutions to achieve environmentally-friendly computing, and how technology products and solutions can be applied effectively to meet the specified success criteria. These challenges are even more relevant to developing countries, since they are less exposed to scientific frontiers and have shorter tradition and less experiences of ICT utilization. On the other hand, these countries bear heavier burdens due to digital divide phenomenon which may block the road to the fulfillment of Millenium Development Goals in 2015.

ICGC 2010 and RC-ICT 2010 facilitate both researchers and industry practitioners to share, exchange ideas and experiences, as well as learn about green computing. The joint conference is expected to improve our awareness and understanding about green computing, pave paths towards successful application in different contexts and locations, and bring fruitful contributions in making computing more environmentally-friendly.

Areas and Fields of Interests

ICGC2010 and RC-ICT2010 invite papers describing research results, applications, best practices, and policy strategies in various aspects of green computing. Papers in the following (but not limited) topics are encouraged to be submitted.

Technology track:

# Efficient algorithms

# Virtualization

# Power management

# Energy-efficient hardware

# Low-cost computing infrastructure

# Open Source solution

# Unified communication

# System integration technology

# Mobile and distributed computing

Application domain track:

# E-learning

# E-government

# E-health

# E-office and teleworking

# E-commerce

# E-tourism

# Industrial automation

# Disaster prevention, monitoring, and recovery management

# Environment protection and preservation

Economic, social, and environmental issues track:

# Rules, laws, and regulations

# Business process improvements

# Economics of ICT

# Green technology adoption and management

# ICT for rural areas

# Digital divide issues and their solutions

# Social impacts of green technology

# Electronic waste recycling

All submissions are accepted through conference web page

(http://icgc-rcict-2010.te.ugm.ac.id). Please go to the

conference website for submission guidelines.

Important Dates

* Deadline for full paper submission : 20 December 2009

* Notification of acceptance : 16 January 2010

* Deadline for camera ready final paper submission : 5 February 2010

* Conference date : 2-3 March 2010

8. Konferensi Nasional “Menuju Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Indonesia: Pemberdayaan Kompetensi Lintas Studi”


Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, Pukul 08.00-20.00 wib di Universitas Paramadina,

Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 97, Mampang, Jakarta-12790


Akademisi, peneliti, mahasiswa, dan praktisi dari multidisiplin

Keynote Speaker:

Anies Baswedan, Ph.D (Rektor Universitas Paramadina)



- Makalah Utama

Rp. 500.000,- /makalah/1org. penulis

Rp. 650.000,- /makalah/kelompok

- Makalah tambahan

Rp. 100.000,-/makalah/peserta

Non Pemakalah

- Umum: Rp. 200.000,-/orang

- Mahasiswa S1/S2/S3: Rp. 100.000,-/orang

Biaya termasuk proceeding, CD dan hardcopy, seminar kits, coffeebreak, makan siang dan gala dinner.

Biaya ditransfer ke rekening BCA no. 5040300777 an. Universitas Paramadina.

Batas Waktu:

Batas akhir penerimaan makalah lengkap 31 Maret 2010

Pengumuman makalah terseleksi 20 April 2010

Batas registrasi dan pembayaran 31 Mei 2010

Syarat Naskah:

1. Semua tulisan merupakan hasil pemikiran orisinil, yang belum pernah dipresentasikan maupun dipublikasikan;

2.Abstrak dalam Bhs Indonesia dan Inggris, tidak lebih dari 200 kata

3. Ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan format: huruf Times New Roman 12, 1 spasi, maksimal 15 halaman A4 (termasuk daftar pustaka dan lampiran), margin atas dan kanan 3 cm, margin bawah dan kiri 4 cm

4.Dikirim melalui email konferensinas2010@paramadina.ac.id This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Teknik Informatika

Network Technology

IT Good Governance : Quality Assurance, IT Audit,

Knowledge Management

Mobile Technology

Multimedia Application


Dari Media Lama ke Media Baru: Implikasi Sosial, Budaya dan Ekonomi

Media Baru: Implikasi Teoritis dan Metodologis

Kebijakan dan Regulasi Media Baru

9. 2nd ICSIIT 2010

International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System

and Information Technology

Bali, Indonesia, 1-2 July 2010

The topics of the ICSIIT 2010 includes, but not limited to:

* Genetic Algorithms

* DNA Computing

* Optimization

* Fuzzy Set

* Probabilistic Reasoning

* Chaos

* Multi Agent System

* Belief Network

* Expert System

* Computational Intelligent

* Neural Network

* Hybrid System

* Data Mining

* Decision Support System

* Imaging

* Computer Graphics

* Computer Vision

* Computer Network

* Data and Network Security

* Information and Communication Technology

* Control System

* Intelligent Information System


Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF, or RTF/DOC format at http://icsiit.petra.ac.id/openconf/.

Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submitted papers will be blindly peer reviewed by at least three members of the international program committee and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted papers will

appear in the conference proceedings.

The submitted papers should not exceed 6 pages and must follow the ACM guidelines (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). Paper will be submitted according to ACM template. You can obtain the template here.


For Overseas participants

  • Regular US$ 350 (early bird: US$300)
  • Student US$ 225
  • Additional paper US$ 75
  • Additional page US$ 10
  • Additional banquet ticket US$ 50
  • Additional proceeding US$ 25

For Local participants

  • Regular IDR 1.750.000 (early bird: IDR 1.500.000)
  • Student IDR 1.100.000
  • Additional paper IDR 400.000
  • Additional page IDR 50.000
  • Additional banquet ticket IDR 450.000
  • Additional proceeding IDR 200.000

*) Regular registration fee includes admission to all sessions, proceedings, conference kit, lunches, coffee breaks and banquet on 1st July 2010.

*) Student registration fee includes admission to all sessions, proceedings, conference kit, lunches, and coffee breaks, without banquet. Please provide a written proof of full-time student status.

10. Seminar Nasional Matematika 2010 ( “Mengungkap Keindahan Matematika”)

Seminar Nasional Matematika tahun 2010 diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Matematika FMIPA UI, bekerja sama dengan Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNPAD, yang berlokasi di Departemen Matematika FMIPA UI, Kampus UI Depok.

Pada Seminar Nasional Matematika 2010 akan ada 2 orang pembicara pada sesi pleno yaitu:

Dr. H. Atje Setiawan, MS, M.kom (Universitas Padjadjaran)

Drs. Hendrisman Rahim, MA. FSAI. AAI-J. QIP (Dirut PT. Jiwasraya)

Spesifikasi Makalah:

Makalah dikelompokkan dalam bidang-bidang berikut:

* Analisis dan Aljabar

* Komputasi

* Statistika

* Aplikasi Matematika

* Pendidikan Matematika

Tanggal Penting

* 2 Januari 2010 : Batas akhir penyerahan abstrak dan pendaftaran tahap I

* 16 Januari 2010 : Batas akhir penyerahan abstrak dan pendaftaran tahap II

* 23 Januari 2010 : Pengumuman abstrak yang diterima

*30 Januari 2010 : Batas akhir penyerahan makalah untuk prosiding dan penyelesaian administrasi

* 6 Februari 2010 : Seminar Nasional Matematika 2010

* 6 Maret 2010 : Pengumuman makalah yang diterima untuk prosiding

* 20 Maret 2010 : Batas akhir revisi makalah yang diterima untuk prosiding

Waktu Pelaksanaan

* Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 6 Feburari 2010

* Tempat : Gedung B101, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia Depok 16424

Keterangan lebih lanjut http://www.math.ui.ac.id/seminar-nasional/index.html

11. Seminar Nasional Basic Science VII

Tujuan Seminar :

1. Menyusun ROADMAP pengembangan wilayah yang berdasar konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan.

2. Wahana diskusi antar peneliti bidang MIPA, industri dan masyarakat untuk ilmu dan teknologi baru yang eco-friendly dan sustainable terutama di bidang energi, mitigasi bencana, kesehatan dan pangan.

3. Mensinergikan ilmu yang diperoleh di masyarakat (universitas, lembaga penelitian dan industri) terhadap kebijakan yang mungkin diambil oleh pemerintah.

Topik Seminar :

* Lingkungan

* Energi

* Kesehatan

* Pangan

* Eksplorasi

* Pemodelan dan Simulasi

* Bidang lain yang relevan

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Malcolm D. McLeod

Research School of Chemistry

Australian National University, Canberra

“New Trend Research on Eco-Friendly Technology for Medic and Agriculture”

  • Dr.Eng. Brian Yuliarto, M.Eng.

Dewan pakar ICMI; Director of INDENI; Dosen ITB

“Energy Policy for Mitigation of Climate Change in Indonesia”

  • Dr.Eng. H. Sarjono, M.Eng.

Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi

“Implementation Progress of Renewable Energy in Indonesia”

  • Prof. Atsushi Ishimatsu

Department of Open-water Environmental Resources

Research Institute for East China Sea Research, Nagasaki University

“The impacts of the global environmental changes and marine pollution by man-made chemicals on marine ecosystems”


Pengiriman Abstrak (diperpanjang) : SABTU, 16 Januari 2010

Pengumuman Penerimaan (Dapat dilihat online, dengan login dulu) : Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Pengiriman Full-Paper : Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Waktu dan Tempat Pelaksanaan

Waktu : Sabtu, 20 Pebruari 2010

Tempat : Gedung WIDYALOKA, Universitas Brawijaya

Keterangan lebih lanjut http://www.bss-ub.com/

12. Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (CITEE)

Call for Paper

Seperti diketahui bersama, ilmu dan teknik elektro berkembang sangat pesat. Sebagai cabang dari teknik elektro, ilmu dan teknik di bidang computer dan informatika juga berkembang sepesat induknya.

Untuk tahun 2009, forum tersebut diselenggarakan pada hari Selasa, tanggal 4 Agustus 2009, di Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Untuk tahun 2010, pelaksanaan seminar diperkirakan sekitar bulan Juli 2009. Oleh karena itu, kami mengundang para peneliti, pengkaji, praktisi, industri, dan pemerhati untuk mengusulkan makalah guna dipresentasikan dalam forum tersebut.


* Power Systems

1. Power generation

2. Power distribution

3. Power conversion

4. Protection systems

5. Electric motor and drives

6. Power electronics

7. Materials

* Signal Systems and Circuits

1. Control systems

2. Signal processing

3. Telecommunications system

4. Electronics

5. Microelectronics


7. Optoelectronics

8. Sensor networks & sensor susion

9. Robot and mobile robot

10. Speech & image processing

11. Biomedical instrumentation

12. Embedded System

* Information Technology

1. System design

2. Applications

3. User interaction design

4. Networks

5. Location based services

6. E-learning

7. E-Government

Important Dates :

* February 1, 2010 : Full-paper submission deadline.

* May 1, 2010 : Completion of the paper review

* April 1, 2010 : Camera ready

* July, 2010 : Tentative conference month

Keterangan lebih lanjut http://citee.te.ugm.ac.id/index.php

13. Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Industrial and Financial Mathematics Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) will host international conference on industrial and applied mathematics at ITB during July 6 – 8, 2010. The research group has continuing research interests in financial mathematics, optimization, applied probability, control theory and its application; biological, physical modeling and the application of mathematics in sciences, fluid dynamics, and numerical methods and scientific computing. The conference shall provide a venue to exchange ideas in those areas and any aspect of applied mathematics, in promoting both established and new relationships. Participants from throughout the areas are especially encouraged to attend.

Aim and Scope

The conference committee cordially invite to participate in Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CIAM2010). Topics to be covered include :

* Financial Mathematics

* Optimization

* Applied Probability

* Control Theory and Its Application

* Biological and Physical Modeling; and Application of Mathematics in Sciences

* Fluid Dynamic

* Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing

Important Dates

Deadline for abstract submission : 3 April 2010

Notification of abstract acceptance : 1 May 2010

Early bird : 15 May 2010

Full paper submission and payment : 5 June 2010

deadline for presenter

Conference time : 6 – 8 July 2010

Conference Venue and Activities

Venue : Aula Barat/Timur ITB, Jalan Ganesha 10 Bandung, Indonesia.

Activities during the days of conference:

* Plenary session

* Parallel public paper presentations by contributed speakers

* Declaration: Indonesian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Keterangan lebih lanjut


14. Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri 2010 (SNTI 2010)

Tema: ”Peran Riset Teknologi dalam Mendukung Daya Saing Bangsa”

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri 2010 ini, mencakup keilmuan TEKNIK MESIN yang mengedepankan Mechanical Construction, Energy Conversion, Material Science dan Production Process and Manufacturing; TEKNIK ELEKTRO yang memiliki spesifikasi Power Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Control Engineering, Electronic Engineering, dan Computer Systems Engineering; TEKNIK INDUSTRI yang mengutamakan Logistic and Supply Chain Management, Production Management and Tchnology, Decision Analysis, Human Factor and Ergonomics, dan Business Management (Marketing, HRM, Dstrategic, Finance); TEKNIK INFORMATIKA yang memfokuskan pada Software Engineering, Computer Network and Security, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, dan Integrated Information Engineering.

Pelaksanaan Seminar

Plenary Session Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Kusmayanto Kadiman (Menristek)*

Parallel Session Presentasi dari Pakar di Bidang Teknologi Industri.

* Dalam konfirmasi


Audotorium Ged. D Kampus A Universitas TRISAKTI, JAKARTA – Jl. Kyai Tapa No. 1, Grogol, JAKARTA

Keterangan lebih lanjut http://www.bksti.org/event


Cebong`s Notez
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