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JAIRO CHARRIS SEMINAR 2010: Algebraic Aspects of Darboux Transformations, Quantum Integrable Systems and Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

JAIRO CHARRIS SEMINAR 2010: Algebraic Aspects of Darboux Transformations, Quantum Integrable Systems and Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

Month: August 2010

Date: August 4--7

Name: JAIRO CHARRIS SEMINAR 2010: Algebraic Aspects of Darboux Transformations, Quantum Integrable Systems and Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

Location: Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Sede Rodrigo Noguera Laborde, Santa Marta, Colombia.


JAIRO CHARRIS SEMINAR (JCHS) is an IMA annual meeting which is dedicated to Jairo Antonio Charris Castañeda (in memoriam). The thematic for JCHS 2010 is Algebraic Aspects of Darboux Transformations, Quantum Integrable Systems and Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics (see http://ima.usergioarboleda.edu.co/SJCH/JCHS2010.htm).

Scientific committee

Peter Olver, Alexander Turbiner, Niki Kamran, Mikhail Plyushchay, Alberto Grünbaum and Federico Finkel


To submit abstracts for talks (50 minutes) and posters is: May 3, 2010. Abstracts (in tex format) should be sent to Primitivo B. Acosta-Humanez (e-mail: primi@ima.usergioarboleda.edu.co), David Blazquez-Sanz (e-mail: david@ima.usergioarboleda.edu.co) or seminario.charris@gmail.com.

Financial assistance

Is available to assist graduate students with travel costs and/or local expenses (see http://ima.usergioarboleda.edu.co/SJCH/JCHS.htm)



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